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Video Pesawat Aneh Di Kemang. A scene of a strange aircraft sightings in the area of Kemang Raya, South Jakarta, many are curious, because if it is carefully observed the video seemed genuine.
Foto Pesawat Aneh di Kemang

Foto Pesawat Aneh di Kemang

“I think it was original, because there dipesawat strange light is seen flickering,” said Muhammad Santosa one war activist a movie star on Friday (16/07/2010)

Advanced Muhammad, said plane is in the form of video is extremely rare, even in the star war movies, “My collection of Star War movies, and until now no such form of aircraft,” he said.

However Yahanes one engineering student at a university in Salemba Central Jakarta said it could not conclude at an early stage, “Wow it must be investigated before the video, a real engineering or indeed the appearance of the original recordings,” he asserted.

Meanwhile, the National Institute of Aeronautics Space Agency (Lapan) is an engineering or the effects of camera that was made. “The plane is big enough it could not be just one person who saw the great possibility of engineering,” says Research Professor of Astronomy Astrophysics, Lapan, Thomas Jamaludin told Berita8.com, Friday (16/07/2010).

Which includes space objects without engineering, he said, “Just as there are many witnesses, the video is not the result of engineering and so on,” continued Thomas said.

dari: http://radenbeletz.com

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